Profile PictureSafiya

The Relationship Factor - YOU

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The Relationship Factor - YOU


This is the place to help you unpack the major things about yourself, understand them and put them back together they way you desire. Here, you’ll disconnect from your pain and the drama you’ve been through, to recreate a new you.

This course will cover the following:

  • Introduction
  • The Disintegration: Unpack who you are, understand it, know why you do the things you do & learn to accept it
  • The Clearing: Disconnect from the pain & drama and learn what triggers you
  • The Design: Define the new version of yourself and your life
  • The Integration: Repackage each thing of who you are the way you desire and taking care of yourself emotionally, spiritually & physically

What you get:

Access to prerecorded videos for each topic of the course.

Unlimited access to the course and its updates.


No refunds or cancellations after purchase.

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30-day money back guarantee

The ultimate course to help you unpack who you were and repack it into who you want to be, all while maintaining your real self.

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